My nuanced view on tipping

My thoughts on the topic of tipping that has been happening for maybe a few days or so on Twitter:

(This applies to sit down restaurants in the US and Canada)

  • Until this discussion came up, I didn’t  really understand that tipping was paying a server for their service. So let’s just repeat that, heck let’s bold it: TIPPING = COMPENSATION (PAYMENT) OF A SERVER FOR THEIR SERVICE. I wasn’t really told this all my life. Yes, I was told that tipping is required but I wasn’t told why.


  • Don’t go if you can’t afford to tip. That is unfair to everyone working at the restaurant and it is stealing from the server.
  • Tipping artificially lowers the price of food sold at sit down restaurants where tipping is required and passes the extra cost – which should be paid by the restaurants – onto the consumer.
  • Instead of tipping, prices at sit down restaurants should be raised to reflect the extra value of the servers and the servers should be compensated with the price increase.
  • We have fast food restaurants already – the difference in cost just reflects what happens at each kind of restaurant, and sit down restaurants should be valued accordingly.
  • At the moment, tipping culture is in place. I repeat: Don’t go if you can’t afford to tip. That is unfair to everyone working at the restaurant and it is stealing from the server.
  • If service from the server is extremely poor, well they still worked for you. TIPPING = PAYMENT OF A SERVER FOR THEIR SERVICE. Don’t pay them too little because of poor service.
  • Service does not include intentional oppression or total refusal to change their behavior after being called on unintentional oppression. If that happens to you, it is up to you what to do re: tipping.